Sample Projects

The team at UAE InnovAIte Hackathon has created some sample projects based on the same prompt provided to you. We have also included an example of what your presentation to the judges could look like for the second project only.

These projects are just some ideas on how you could develop a solution and what your end product could look like. Feel free to be as creative and out of the box as you want.

Note: This page will be revealed to the participants on Day One of the hackathon.

Predictive Score Grader

Using a dataset found on kaggle, we chose 4 features here in an attempt to predict the final grade of a student (namely their health, studytime, grade in their first term and grade in their second term). We then created a simple interface so that anyone can use it without understanding the underlying code. The idea behind this was that it could be used by teachers to find the predicted grades for students.

Smart PDF Flashcard Creator

PDFs are uploaded to a website. From the backend, text is extracted from the uploaded PDF. Then using OpenAI’s APIs we use ChatGPT to analyse the text and create a set of flashcards that encapsulate the key words and phrases present in the PDF. These flashcards are then displayed in a nice interface to the user. The idea of this was to allow students to quickly produce flashcards on a given topic and save some of their effort. We have attached the code as well as a presentation about the project to give a sense of how you may present your final project to the panel of judges. The code can be viewed here.

AI Generated newsletter

Web scrapes the latest articles from CNN and Khaleej Times. Then uses OpenAPI APIs to create concise summaries of the latest news stories of different topics and sends them out through emails so that students (especially politics students) can easily keep up to date with the latest news. The code is seperated into 2 parts - the website that allows for people to subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter, and the actual program that sends the newsletter.