Code of Conduct

Be Respectful

Be kind to others. You must not insult or put down anyone in the hackathon. Be professional.

Remember that harassment and racist, sexist, or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for this event.

Be Creative

Create your own unique ideas and develop new solutions. Any plagiarism or copying will not be tolerated through the hackathon,

Participants violating these rules may be asked to leave the Hackathon at the sole discretion of the Hackathon organizers. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming and friendly event for all.

You own your own projects!

All concepts, developments, and innovations generated during this hackathon shall be deemed the sole property of the individuals actively engaged in the creative process. No claim to intellectual property rights shall be asserted by any external entity or organization, thereby acknowledging the participants' full ownership and control over their respective ideas.